833.233.5348 P.O. Box 667798, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33068

How much it costs

Our charges start at $29.00 create account and obtain reports. We then need to conduct a professional credit analysis to determine the number of dispute items, the type of dispute items, and any other issues that are affecting your credit score. We then provide a custom quote which will vary from person to person. Our prices are extremely reasonable.  Everything is up front, no extra charges and no monthly fee’s.


On average, our clients credit score may increase from 35 to 100 points in just 6 months. It is possible to see results in the first month, however most clients see results in the first three months. Mainly depending on age of the items being worked on and balance amounts. 

ncr credit cost


We offer a fixed comprehensive price.  During your credit analysis, your credit repair specialist can offer you a payment plan.  We understand everyone has a unique situation that they deal with.

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